Sustainability Policy

Since its inception, the Duskin Group has been guided by the management philosophy of unifying business and morals, which means for us to pursue sustainable growth by serving society and to meet society's expectations with joy.
Therein, we maintain our CSR principles that each individual employee must follow, and through this, employees regulate their own behavior.

Sustainability vision

Meeting society's expectations with joy

With attentiveness to the linkage between people, the environment, and society, we stay receptive to expectations from society and fulfill them with joy.

Through the supply of safe, secure and excellent products and services, we contribute to the sustainable development of regional societies that provide affluent living and put smiles on faces.

Sustainability policy

1. Sustainable growth

We sow the seeds of joy and continually fulfill the trust of society.

2. Respect for human rights

We protect the human rights of every individual and respect individuality.

3. Environmental conservation

In all of our activities, we strive for the conservation of the global environment.

4. Communication and interaction

We care about people and aim for a better society.

5. Products and services

We provide products and services that make customers happy.

6. Workplace environment improvement

We build and maintain workplaces where everyone can develop their individuality and capabilities in a fair environment and find joy in their work.

7. Compliance

We take the perspectives of other people into consideration in our thoughts and actions.

8. Information management

We manage information appropriately, with meticulous care in information handling.

9. Crisis management

In emergencies, we prioritize the safety of life and cooperate with the community to help where we can.


Principles of Conduct

To pursue sustainable growth by serving society under the philosophy of our management foundation Unifying Business and Morals, we maintain our CSR principles that every individual Duskin Group employee must follow. Following these principles is to respond to the wishes of customers, people in society, franchisees, partners, shareholders and coworkers at the workplace and means sowing the seeds of joy as expressed in Prayerful Management.

Duskin Code of Conduct Statement

Aiming to always be a trustworthy and reliable company

  • 1. We always think of customers in everything we do.
  • 2. We observe the law in all that we do.
  • 3. We are ethical in all our actions.
  • 4. We take pride in everything we do.

As a concrete guideline for executing the Code of Conduct Statement, we established the Duskin Code of Conduct and apply it to business operations.

Contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) action plan, comprised of 17 goals and 169 associated targets, was adopted at the UN Sustainable Development Summit in 2015.

By examining the relationship of these goals and targets to our businesses across the value chain and continuing to contribute to the sustainable development of society through our business activities, we are determined to do our part to achieve these SDGs that should be resolved across the globe by 2030

17 Goals to transform our world