Duskin incorporated the franchise system early in Japan and along with establishing a franchise business with the founding of the company, has continuously searched for franchise business potential in its subsequent business developments. At present, our business areas extend from environmental hygiene to food service. Included in our franchise businesses are rental of cleaning tools through regular customer visits, professional cleaning and technical services, and food services.


About Duskin

The story behind our name

On November 16, 1963, Duskin was born.

People often ask us if we are a non-Japanese company because of our name, but founder Seiichi Suzuki reportedly wanted to name the company “Zokin” Inc. (“Zokin” is dust cloth.)

One of the executives at the time said the word “zokin” was something he would rather not use in naming a company, so the name became Duskin with a combination of the English word “dust” and the “kin” from “zokin.”

Sowing the seeds of joy. Our founder’s philosophy lives on.

Founder Seiichi Suzuki devoted himself to his work under the belief that profit the reward of joyous transactions and with the wish that everyone involved in working at Duskin would lead happy lives. It was the Home Duskin, a cloth that wipes away dust without using water, that became a major source of power in realizing his wish. This product was called the “magic dust cloth” among homemakers and brought about a “cleaning revolution” in Japanese households.
Founder’s philosophy ―― sowing the seeds of joy ―― has lived on in Duskin to this very day. We interpret this philosophy as putting service to society ahead of profits through our work.